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In the ancient times of 2011, I found myself casually scrolling through my Facebook feed. And then it happened. A post so poignant, so utterly arresting, that it brought me to a screeching halt.

It wasn't even a surprise, to be honest, when I read about the devastating fate of the West African black rhinoceros. Officially declared extinct. Poachers, with their cruel and relentless greed, had ensured that these magnificent creatures vanished from the face of the earth.

It was jarring.

, the crunching of his chewing and his calm nature had me captivated
We watched this guy for what felt like hours, he was just eating but we were captivated

 It was a wake-up call. I had unwittingly embraced the "not in this lifetime" mindset, and there it was, right in this lifetime, standing as a stark reality check.

The immediate pang of concern for the future, for my hypothetical (at the time ) children-to-be, gripped me. At that point, they were merely figments of my imagination, but I found myself envisioning a tomorrow where the wondrous animals that are fighting for their survival today would exist only as faded memories.

Picturing a world where my own flesh and blood would look to books, e-books, or futuristic holographic projections to catch a glimpse of a once-living rhinoceros felt like a gut-wrenching, yet realistic premonition.

But hold on a minute! This isn't going to be a melancholic tale though. Because where there's darkness, there's also a shining beam of hope. Fast forward to today, and amidst the looming, concerns, I've witnessed an extraordinary surge of action.

Organizations, communities, and everyday heroes have rallied together, rising above and beyond the call of duty, championing the cause of our vulnerable, voiceless friends.

Sure, rhinos may boast a formidable armor of thick skin, but beneath that rugged exterior beats the heart of a gentle giant. Their presence is nothing short of mesmerizing, leaving an invaluable imprint on anyone who has had the privilege of standing in their midst.

In conclusion, there's no denying that we'll feel the sting of their absence once they're gone. However, with optimism as our guiding star, we can embark on a collective shift in consciousness. Let's embrace the truth that our actions today, in this lifetime of ours, will reverberate through the tapestry of tomorrow.

So, in the immortal words of the wise John F. Kennedy, "One person can make a difference, and everyone should." Let's carry that torch together.

There are only so many tomorrows

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The meaning behind this box is deeper and more important than it may seem, by sending/recieving this gift you have become a supporter in the fight against Rhino Poaching in South Africa.

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The meaning behind this box is deeper and more important than it may seem, by sending/recieving this gift you have become a supporter in the fight against Rhino Poaching in South Africa.

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